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China sends 7,000 disaster relief items to Liaoning Province

BEIJING, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) — China’s Ministry of Emergency Management and two other government departments have sent 7,000 disaster relief items, including blankets and emergency kits, to northeast China’s Liaoning Province, the ministry said on Tuesday.
A team has also been dispatched to the province to guide rescue efforts following torrential rains, the ministry added.
Heavy rains have lashed the city of Huludao in Liaoning in recent days, trapping some rural residents. Meteorological authorities have forecast that rainstorms will pound parts of Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and Guangdong on Tuesday and Wednesday.
China is still in its main flood season, with scattered heavy rainfall hitting both northern and southern regions. Local governments are urged to remain vigilant, and to strengthen monitoring and early-warning, according to the ministry. ■
